delta 8 gummies for sleep

Best Delta-8 for Sleep

Author: Calm by Wellness Team

What is Delta-8 THC

What’s all the hype about the Delta-8 THC in the CBD world? Often described as a milder Delta-9 alternative or as cannabis researchers call it, “Delta-9-THC’s nicer younger sibling. ”Different from CBD, Delta-8 has some proportion of THC compound; which is often associated with the euphoric or “high” effects.

However, the Delta-8 THC concentration is lower. Users describe many benefits of its consumption without the adverse effects that Delta-9 THC causes such as dependency, memory impairment, and paranoia.

In this guide, we’ll explain how you can take advantage of Delta-8’s benefits, how to choose the best product, and how you can incorporate it to support your sleeping routine.

What are the benefits of Delta-8?

Delta-8 can be considered as the option between CBD and Delta-9 THC. It has very similar benefits to CBD, as users describe they experience the ease of pain relief, mental health boost, calming nausea, and prevention of vomiting during cancer treatments.

On the other side, Delta-8 has similar benefits to Delta-9 in that it also produces mild feelings of euphoria, relaxation, enhanced sleep, and potential pain relief. This conjunction of benefits makes it an attractive option for people who want to experience an upgrade on the CBD benefits with a slight psychoactive perk.

If you are unsure on what’s the best solution for you to improve sleep read more about CBD vs THC here.

Research on Delta-8 is limited, and because its chemical composition is nearly identical to Delta-9 structure, the benefits are compared to such. Here are some of the benefits that academic research studies have supported:

Antiemetic Effects:

Eric C. Leas Ph.D., MPH., discusses the antiemetic effect, or nausea mitigation, associated with Delta-8 for the American Journal of Public Health (AJPH).

In fact, one of the most promising studies for Delta-8 demonstrated the advantages it can provide to cancer patients who suffer from intense nausea and vomiting during their treatment.

The study began by administering 18 mg/m2 in edible oil, p.o. to eight children, aged 3-13 years with various hematologic cancers. 

The total number of treatments with delta-8-THC so far is 480, and from those 480 administrations, the results were 100% effective.

Anxiolytic Effects:

Anxiolytics are a class of medications used to prevent or treat anxiety symptoms or disorders.” Some anxiolytics may have sedative effects and are used for insomnia and sleep disorders as well.

Because of the favorable results that Delta-8 has had with cancer patients, The National Cancer Institute qualifies the substance as potentially “anxiolytic” as one of its benefits.

Similarly, John Hopkin University revealed a 2022 crowdsourcing survey study. They recruited 252 adults online who reported 252 that compared to Delta-9, they experience less “Anxiety,” “Paranoia,” “Irritability,” and “Restlessness” as they use Delta-8. The study also revealed that compared to CBD, Delta-8 users were more “Relaxed”.

Neuroprotective, Appetite Stimulation, and Weight Loss Effects:

The combined effect of improved cognitive function and more appetite may result in a potential weight loss solution. A low dose of Delta-8 THC (0.001 mg/kg) was tested on mice. A 22% increase in food intake was observed. At the same time, the THC compound caused an increase in activity and cognitive functions. The experiment concluded that a low dose of Delta-8 THC might be a potential treatment of weight disorders without the cannabimimetic side effects.

How will Delta-8 help me sleep?

Everyone will react and experience different effects of cannabinoids. Also, the type of product you use to ingest it, the dosage, and the frequency will alter the results you get from the THC compound. However, one of the other effects why Delta-8 is so popular is its sleeping boost quality.

But what makes Delta-8 different from other cannabinoids components to help you sleep? This type of THC has specifically a series of special components known as terpenes.

As Jon Johnson defines for Medical News Today, terpenes are aromatic compounds found in many plants. Several medical and therapeutic benefits are being discovered as more users incorporate terpenes as treatments.

The combination of terpenes and cannabinoids may accelerate or fuel each other’s benefits, this synergy is known as the “entourage effect.”

For those reasons, scientists have looked at the specific terpenes and how they enhance sleeping activity either isolated or altogether with cannabinoids. Here are some the terpenes that Delta-8 contains and are proven to support your bedtime:


At a high dosage of 200 mg, myrcene proved to prolong both barbiturate sleep time 2.6 times and pentobarbital sleeping time. What it means is that myrcene can extend the sleeping time even when sedatives are consumed.


Similar to myrcene, terpineol studies show a depressant effect on the pentobarbital-induced sleep test. What it indicates is that it enhances sedative properties ​​with the increments of the sleeping time.

Pinene and Linalool:

Studies have also shown that pinene and linalool influence modulators of neurotransmission, glutamate, serotonin, dopamine, and other pathways in the brain. Because of the effects users describe, both terpenes are being considered as candidates to treat  insomnia, anxiety and depression.

Because of the presence of terpenes like myrcene, terpineol, pinene or lineol; we can demystify why more users report that Delta-8 is an effective aid for a good night’s rest. After all, these terpenes present on the THC compound have demonstrated positive sleeping effects.

lab report delta-8

Here’s an example of terpenes found on our Calm by Wellness Delta-8 Gummies. These may support your sleep and add other benefits as they interact with the THC compound of Delta-8.

How to choose the best Delta-8 solution for you?

With the increased demand in CBD and hemp derived products and the popularity that Delta-8 has gained, more brands are launching their THC product lines. However, not all brands meet the safety, quality and satisfaction criteria that consumers deserve.

To take advantage of the benefits that THC derived products have to offer, we recommend looking specifically for the following attributes as you choose the best solution for you:

Transparency of Ingredients:

Not all companies will hold their ingredients standards to the highest quality or the best manufacturing practices. As you look for the next Delta-8 make sure the raw ingredients are accredited as non-toxic, cGMP Certified, and ISO 9001 Certified.

Also, all natural, non-GMO and organic may assure you get the highest quality available. And if you have dietary concerns, vegan and gluten-free certification are important to inspect.

Lab Reports:

As a growing industry and a fairly new solution, we recommend requesting the product’s reports. Credible lab reports should be done by third party laboratories. And, there are two main attributes to look for:

  • First, observe the potential pesticides, microbials, heavy metals and residual solvents for your safety.
  • Second, look at the terpenes and cannabinoid concentration to verify the effectiveness that such product claims to have.

Check how Calm by Wellness complies with third party lab reports here

Reviews from Customers:

Companies can claim many things to make you purchase their product. But only other users who have experience using the products can tell you if the product really works for them.

Checking out the number of reviews and the average score may give you the best hint of whether the Delta-8 product is the solution that you are looking for.

Ethical & Sustainable Sourcing:

Again, because the appetite for Delta-8 products is growing, many businesses are looking to expand their product lines and resell the product. The problem is that often resellers have no control of what goes into the product and they may ignore the origins of the compounds at all.

With one of the most advanced cannabis research fields and strict legal and health standards, we advised to seek for products made in the U.S. Also, brands developed by science and medical experts are favored as they can formulate what’s best for the patients in the long term.

choosing the best delta-8

Which Delta-8 is best for sleep?

Delta-8 THC is evolving to appear in different product lines such as oil tinctures, topicals, edibles like gummies, and even vape cartridges. The best Delta-8 for sleep will depend on how you want to incorporate the THC compound into your bedtime routine.

Also, keep in mind that what works better for you in terms of absorption and distribution across your system may differ to what works for others.

Because users want a supplement or an aid on their sleep rather than a recreational experience, they are choosing minimal dosages on their products.

Higher concentration of THC like the present one Delta-9 may have counterproductive effects as the “high effects” or increased paranoia could affect your sleep quality overall. Therefore, a slow released product in minimal portions is preferred to progressively take on your neurotransmitters.

Because oral ingestion and metabolic distribution takes time, Delta-8 edibles like gummies are an excellent alternative to support your sleeping habits and incorporate them in your day-to-day routines.

In fact, in an online survey by Jessica and Daniel Kruger 64% respondent reported that edibles were the main administration method to take their Delta-8.

If you choose an edible alternative, you may have to take your Delta-8 from 30 minutes to 2 hours before going to bed. The best time to take it will also depend on your metabolism and the product’s terpenes and THC concentration. Again, you may want to schedule the time that works for you as you experiment with it.

Ultimately, the administration method will depend on what works for you. To get the best sleeping results from your THC product intake, we recommend to begin with a progressive low dose of Delta-8 as your system processes and gets used to the THC component.

If you want to find more about sleeping aid alternatives or other benefits you can get from CBD or THC, subscribe to the Calm By Wellness Newsletter and give it a try with our free samples.

What is the best Delta-8 dosage for sleep?

How much Delta-8 should I take? The right dosage will vary from person to person. Several factors play into the dosage effectiveness for your sleep. Some brands claim dosage recommendations based on weight.

However, because our endocannabinoid system integrates with our brain and nervous system throughout our body, allocating a Delta-8 dosage based on weight may not deliver the health or sleep benefits that you are looking for.

To find the optimal dosage for your THC product, you can experiment with low dosages of 5 mg to 10 mg per day. As you record the effects and benefits the THC component has for you, slightly increase the portion you take until your sleep quality is enhanced.

delta-8 gummies for sleep

If you are a new user, Calm by Wellness has an alternative for you with the Delta-8 Gummies (5mg Delta-8 THC Per Gummy). Beyond meeting safety and quality expectations, we’ve created a unique taste of orange hibiscus and strawberry guava. Our flavors are elevated with our blend of high quality Hemp Extract Oil, Lactic Acid, and Coconut Oil.

One distinction to consider is that the product may have some THC traces.The psychoactive effects and your tolerance to such, may impair your driving or memory abilities, you should not consume more than the recommended dosage prior to driving or studying.


Delta-8’s has gained significant popularity as users describe restorative sleep among the many benefits, after consuming the THC compound.

Although research is limited, the correlation among the studies of its components like terpenes and the promising effects observed, show that THC derived products will continue to be an alternative for users who are looking for solutions like sleep aid.

Choosing the right brand and discovering how your metabolism processes the cannabinoid is crucial to secure the health benefits available with Delta-8 products.

Whether it is tincture oil or an edible; transparency of ingredients, third party lab reports, ethical and sustainable sources are some of fundamental attributes you should analyze as you research your alternatives.


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